Bottles of wine, laid on their side, across 2 lit shelves.

Wine… why should you care about us?

When I decided to start a wine business, my goal was to create a way in which people can try different wines without having to read a thousand essays and do a course in the differences in terroir. To break away from that all-too-familiar approach of walking up and down the wine aisle of a supermarket, being baffled by labels and, eventually just picking the one of the same old wines that’s on discount, only to be slightly disappointed.

But I was not prepared for the difficulties in starting such a business within a time frame of extreme inflation. Like all products, margins are somewhat standardised but when you start to weigh up what that means in pounds and pence, it becomes obvious that it’s mere fractions. And whilst a supermarket can thrive off tiny margins, given the sales numbers, for us smaller enterprises it’s less attractive. So our ethos at My Wine / Your Wine is to up the ante and, rather than find those hidden, cheap wines, we want to find you great wines, irrespective of price.

But that said, you’re not going to like them all. We can’t cater for everyone’s taste, that’s just life. But we can guarantee that our wines have real pedigree, and you might just find a new variety that you haven’t even heard of before.

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